Writing can be such a rollercoaster sometimes. It’s so interesting to me how I can go days, weeks, sometimes months without adding many words, then, out of nowhere, it’s like the floodgates open. Sometimes, I think of it like a wave coming in from the ocean. If you time it right, you can catch the wave at just the right time and ride it a long ways.
On that note, I finished the first draft of my new novel this month, and I’m halfway through the second draft, so I’m making great progress and riding the wave as far as I can. But while I see a clear path to the finish line, I’ve decided I should take my time with it. Because the greatest gift you can give someone this holiday season is your time, and when my kids want to spend time with me, I want to be able to tell them yes.
When my oldest wants to play basketball with me, I want to say yes.
And when my youngest wants to throw the football, I want to say yes.
When the family wants to spend time together watching a movie, I want to say yes.
One day, the house won’t be so noisy. One day, the boys won’t want any of my time. They’ll be all grown up, too cool to hang out with dad. These moments will all be gone.
But the books will always be there, waiting on me to write.
This holiday season, ask yourself if the things you think are urgent really are so. As much as I want to get this new book out, I don’t want to miss the important things that happen at home, either. Spend time with the people you care about while you can. Because one day, when you look up from your busy life, they won’t be there anymore.
Make no mistake—I have big goals, and I’m still dead set on making them a reality. And I’m going to get this new book out as soon as I can. But not sooner than I have to.
Because it’s important to keep our eyes and hearts open to finding the moments that matter. And when they happen, we need to be there. Have a great December. -Ken