I hope you had a great holiday season. I sure did! For the first time in many years, I decided to spend more time with my family instead of spending hours wrapping up the final touches on my new book. And I’m so glad I did. I really enjoyed the quality time with my boys and am thrilled to announce that I’m halfway done with the final draft of Blake Jordan #11 and should have more details to share with you in the coming weeks.
January is an interesting month. I’ve heard it referred to, jokingly, as a ‘free trial month.’ That’s because many who decide on January first to reach a big goal usually abandon that goal within the first 31 days. Go to any gym on February first and see for yourself.
But why do they fail? And why would they give up so easily?
I think it’s because their focus was wrong. They want to lose 30 pounds. They want to write a novel. They want to do big things but don’t see immediate progress so they convince themselves it was an impossible goal to begin with. In a way, they are right…
But in a way they were wrong. Because we should aim for big goals… goals that scare us and goals that stretch us. Goals that improve us through hard work and dedication.
It’s not the goal that’s the problem. It’s what we focus on that can easily derail us.
The people in the gym didn’t miss their goal. They just focused on losing 30 pounds in 2025 instead of narrowing their focus to losing two and a half pounds a month for a year. And those who gave up writing a novel didn’t miss their goal. They just got overwhelmed by the enormity of the project instead of what they had to do this month.
Tomorrow is February first. The free trial of January is over. It’s our chance to reconsider our goals and dreams for the year and change the part we focus on. -Ken