May 2018
I’ve been heads down working on Blake Jordan #5, the next book in my thriller series, and I don’t want to stop the momentum so I’ll keep this update short and sweet this time. I’m happy to report I’m on chapter 43, two away from the end of Act 2, one of my favorite parts of a story.
It’s the part where the hero has failed. All is lost. There’s no way out. Disaster has struck, and it looks like there’s no way to win and come out on top anymore. It’s over.
Ever feel that way? Like everything’s wrong and it seems like things won’t get better?
I’ve felt like that a lot lately, especially with writing this new novel which has proven to be a lot harder than I thought it’d be. But the thing is, you can’t judge your story’s ending by its first and second acts. If you think about it, that’s what makes stories so special. There’s always something the hero didn’t see. A silver lining in their Act 2 failure that gives them one last shot to make things right as they move into their Act 3.
At any given moment, it’s so easy to look around and believe we’re nowhere close to being where we want to be. We feel so far away from our goal. But this isn’t the time to panic. Because maybe all isn’t lost. Maybe there’s a way out that we didn’t see before. And maybe we’re really just at the end of our own Act 2, the moment right before we realize that we have one last shot to do what we need to do to make things right again.
Your journey isn’t over yet.
And where you are today does not define you.
Because while the hero in my story thinks it’s over, it’s not. As the author, I know that. Your story’s not over yet, either, because our Author says so. My hero won’t be judged by the mistakes he’s made so far in the middle. And neither should you judge yourself.
Because our story’s true ending has yet to be written.
I’m off to write Act 3. And I hope you’ll see that it’s not too late for you to do the same.