November 2018
Just a quick update to let you know what I’ve been up to lately. If you got my October newsletter, you read where I mentioned that I was going to take a few months off from writing so I could ‘sharpen the saw.’ You know, spend more time with the kids, sleep in, rest, focus on improving myself. I love it when I come up with a plan.
But I hate it when I don’t follow it…
I think my November started like many people’s Januaries. They have big plans on how they’ll take on the world. They’ll hit the gym. Lose weight. Read 50 books. Then they get to February and give up because the motivation they had on January 1st is gone by January 31st. So then they decide to just try again next year…
To my credit, I did sleep in more… and I spent more time with the kids throwing the ball.
But I also had a few other personal goals I wanted to do that I never got started on.
It’s easy to look back with regret, whether it’s the last 30 days for me, or maybe the last year for you. We had big plans on how we were going to spend our time. We were going to do great things. And maybe we did, but not as much as we thought we would.
The year’s not over yet. We have 31 more days to love more, to spend time with those who matter, and to keep the promises we made to ourselves on January 1st this year.
So tomorrow, I’ll try again. And I’ll keep my eyes on what’s ahead, not on my regret…
Because it’s okay to look at the past. Just try not to stare.