For the last few days, I’ve been watching the ongoing invasion of Russia into Ukraine. I’ll admit, I’m surprised it’s not over already. Russia is the largest country in the world by area. It spans 11 time zones. It borders 14 countries. In short: it’s David vs Goliath.
So how has Ukraine been able to stay in the fight for so long? Why isn’t this over yet?
For one reason and one reason only: because its leader believes they can win.
Before last week, I had no idea who President Zelensky was. But as the situation started to unfold, I could see very different strategies between the opposing presidents and it became clear what I was seeing: the difference between a boss and a leader.
Because a boss inspires fear… but a leader simply inspires.
A boss makes decisions based on numbers. A leader makes decisions with their heart.
A boss works behind closed doors. But a leader stands with their team in the trenches.
A boss orders you to, “Go,” while a leader suits up, looks at you, and says, “Let’s go.”
After seeing so many images of Zelensky in military garb, refusing to give up or give in, and urging his people to fight, I wanted to know what drove him to be so determined.
So I did some digging and started at the beginning…
In his inaugural address, three years ago, President Zelensky said, “I do not want my picture in your offices: the President is not an icon, an idol, or a portrait. I want you to hang your kids’ photos instead, and look at them each time you’re making a decision.”
After reading that, I knew.
Leadership doesn’t start with ability. It starts with responsibility. And knowing what and who you’re fighting for. I have no doubt that when the time came, Zelensky took a hard look at the pictures of his kids before exchanging his suit and tie for a military uniform… understanding what he was up against, knowing no matter the outcome, it was worth it.
Leaders don’t always win.
But they always answer the call.
And if their heart’s in the right place, regardless of the outcome, they’ll be remembered.