Legacy is a word we like to use for those who have accomplished something big in their lives. Actors. Musicians. Athletes. Parents, family, and friends who have passed on before us…
“They left such a legacy,” we say, as if leaving a legacy is something few of us ever accomplish.
But leaving a legacy isn’t unattainable.
It’s actually unavoidable. Because we’re all leaving our own legacies. Every one of us.
Every interaction we have with other people. Every phone call. Every text. Every spoken word. Every decision we make. They collectively add up to the overall legacy that we will leave.
But I believe that legacy is more than how we treat others. I think that’s only half of it.
Because the other half of legacy includes what we leave behind in the world once we’re gone.
They say that the average person dies at 25 but is buried at 75. And in the graveyard, the richest place on earth, is buried some of the greatest books and inventions that the world will never see.
Dreams that never saw the light of day because they were too busy living life. Sound familiar?
It makes me think about the parable of the talents and how the third servant buried his talent instead of using it for good. I wonder if he represents literally being buried with unrealized talent.
I once heard author Seth Godin say that if you have a dream in your heart, you have a responsibility – an obligation – to share it with the world. Keeping it buried would be irresponsible.
My guess is that you already know what that dream is for your life.
And if you don’t, you owe it to yourself – and to the world – to figure out what your legacy will be.
Helen Keller was once asked, “What on earth would be worse than being born blind?”
She said, “It would be so much worse to be born with sight, but no vision.”
If that’s you, take some time to create your vision, to find your calling, to know why you’re here.
But don’t wonder how you’re going to leave a legacy because you’re already leaving one.
We all are.
The only question left is, what will the legacy that we leave behind in the world be?