January 2019
I’m not ready.
I’ve had plenty of time since the last novel to relax… to enjoy the holidays with the family… to work on advertising and think up the plot for the next story I want to write. Too much time, really. I released THE HOMELAND, Blake Jordan #5, in September. Looking back, I should have started #6 in October. I should have, but I didn’t…
Taking a break in between projects is important. It gives you perspective. It gives you inspiration. It lets you refill the creative well so you can dip back into it and (hopefully) come back with something just as good if not better than the last creative thing you did.
So tomorrow’s when I’m supposed to start writing again. But like I said, I’m not ready…
I’ve had this feeling before. The night before I took the SAT. The night before I took the GMAT. The night before a big job interview. I needed just a little more time to get ready.
The truth is, we’re never really ready. We could always use one more day to prepare.
People say that writer’s block isn’t real. They say that people don’t get talker’s block. Or plumber’s block. You can’t call your boss and say you won’t be in because you have a bad case of worker’s block. But I’m here to tell you, writer’s block is real and it’s alive and well… it’s more of a mental block, convincing yourself that you can’t do something.
But to make any dream come true, we have to ignore The Lie and listen for The Truth.
Because The Lie is that everything has to be perfect before I can begin. That fancy new keyboard I just ordered this week that won’t be here until sometime next month… The Lie is I have to wait for that to arrive before I can start. But The Truth is, any old keyboard that works is good enough for me to use. The Lie is I have to have my new story completely planned before I start. But The Truth is my best work comes when I write into the dark and even surprise myself with the ideas I come up with as I write. The Lie is I need more time, maybe another month or two to outline an amazing story. The truth is if I wait, it will be harder to start and I’ll get behind on my goals for the year.
I have big plans for 2019. I want to write two novels and my first short story this year. January 31st is when most people give up on their dreams and vow to try again next year. But I can’t do that. Because I planned to start on 2/1 and finish by the summer.
And you know how I am with goals.
So tomorrow when I wake up, I’m starting. I’m not ready. But I’m starting, anyway.
Because even though The Lie is telling me I ‘need more’ before I can start my work… The Truth is, just like you, I have everything I need to work on my dream right now.