Taking the easy way out is so easy.
And I’m going to be honest with you… I feel like taking the easy way out.
Writing is hard work and I realize the irony in that statement seeing as how this is only my fourth post and my first post was just a YouTube video… but the truth is that it’s more fun to work on the blog, to design it, and to keep trying to make it better than it is to sit down and actually write.
That’s the theme that I think a lot of people deal with. We all want to make some kind of dent in the world, whether it’s becoming a writer, getting out of debt, or being a great parent. But, we don’t want to do the hard work that’s required. You have to sit down and write, even if you struggle with what to say. You have to create a budget and make sacrifices if you ever want to be debt-free. You have to put down the cell phone and spend quality time with your kids before it’s too late.
And that’s exactly why there’s only a few writers with a huge readership compared to most who give up soon after they start when they don’t see immediate results. That’s why a few families use gazelle intensity to clean up their finances and change their family tree forever while most spend money they don’t have to buy things they don’t need to impress people who don’t care. That’s why some parents will make memories with their kids and live in the moment while most others will continue viewing life through a four inch screen.
Being the best in the world – in your world – isn’t easy. But it’s worth it.