I’ve never really considered myself to be a man of many talents. Lucky, maybe. But not talented.
That’s not me being a Debbie Downer (or whatever the male equivalent is). There’s just usually someone smarter and definitely more talented than me in the room (unless it’s a very small room).
Last week, I shared with you my secret fear. Today, I’m sharing my one and only secret talent.
It’s the one thing I have going for me that sets me apart: When I want something, I don’t quit.
A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its relentless persistence.
Are you being relentlessly persistent in pursuing the thing you feel called to do? If not, why not?
If the answer is because it’s too hard or it will take too much time, you’re right. But someone will push through the resistance. Someone will put in the hours. Someone will fight for one more day.
That person will win. And there’s no reason why that person can’t be you.
Success at anything worthwhile takes a lot of time. But there is power in persistence. When you show up every day and work on your dream, you open the door to allow luck to be able to find you.