August 2019
We’ve stockpiled our pantry with enough food and water to last us a while. We’ve brought in all of the lawn chairs and anything else Hurricane Dorian could use as a deadly projectile. The only thing left to do now is go to Disney World and take advantage of the shorter lines! So that’s what my family and I will be doing today as we try to get a little bit of fun in before the weather turns bad and we have to hunker down.
A quick update on Blake Jordan #6:
The good news is I’m continuing to make progress on the second draft.
The bad news is I’m only about 75% through. And I’m going to have to do a third draft, but I know it’s going to make the story better. I can’t wait to be done so you can read it.
This has been a busy season for me. I’ve prioritized a lot of things ahead of my writing. Sleep, exercise, spending more time with family. I don’t regret any of it.
Sometimes I wish I had more time so I could do more. I once told that to someone. Their response has always stuck with me: “Ken, there’s never enough time to do everything in life… but there’s always enough time to do the most important things.”
I’m excited to keep working on the story so I can finish it in the next few weeks.
But I’m just as excited to spend time doing the most important things, the things that really matter, so I have a reason to keep writing. Thanks for your continued support and I’ll update you on the new story next month. I know you’re going to love it.